Independent, expert assessment to guide suitable duties allocation and RTW Plan development. Take the guess work out of RTW management, and enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your existing process.
Movevolution's Physiotherapy and Ergonomics consultants are experts in the field of Workplace Assessment.
A Workplace Assessment can assist an injured worker and their employer by:
1. Identifying suitable duties to aid RTW Plan development, facilitating objective planning to seek timely and durable RTW outcomes.
2. Identifying physical and/or psychosocial barriers to return-to-work for individuals experiencing difficulty returning to normal duties following injury. Identifying barriers thereby enables development of solutions to facilitate return-to-work progress.
3. Formulating task-specific, work conditioning exercise programs to aid rehabilitation and return-to-work progress. Specific exercises aid functional task performance to improve capacity for work.
4. Identifying hazardous manual tasks to determine suitable risk controls to minimize injury risk for individuals experiencing difficulty returning to normal duties following injury. Identifying barriers thereby enables development of solutions to facilitate return-to-work progress.
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